Successful Hearing Aid Fittings

Successful Hearing Aid Fittings  There is a lot more to the successful use of hearing aids than just the initial fitting of them. Like purchasing a new car and being unable to drive, time and effort needs to be spent learning how to drive. Learning to use and manage...

Industrial Hearing Screening

Industrial Hearing Screening The Tasmanian Centre for Hearing and its industrial screening business, Sound Advice Tasmania Pty Ltd have been providing services to Tasmanian businesses for over 25 years. All noise exposed workers should have their hearing monitored to...

Diving Tests

Diving Tests   Validated Hearing Tests Hearing tests are required for activities such as diving, flying and some motor vehicle licenses. At the Tasmanian Centre for Hearing we are able to undertake the appropriate tests required for fulfilling regulatory or...


Hyperacusis What is Hyperacusis? Hyperacusis is a hearing anomaly where everyday sounds and noises are very very loud. This heightened sensitivity can range from mild to  uncomfortable, painful, distressing and socially impossible. Sounds at a certain pitch or...


Balance is vital for everyday living Your balance system is vital for normal everyday activities. Balance problems can cause profound disruptions in your daily life and increase the risk of falls. A compromised balance system can shorten your attention span, disrupt...